Random Notes

There's a review of the new Olympus C700 at dcresource.com. 10x? Now that's a zoom! If I were in the market for a camera, it sure seems like the right way to go. Wonder what it'll be selling for at the end of the year?

At around 10 this morning, got to see the fog roll in from the lake like smoke pouring over and around the buildings here downtown. Very cool.

Saw this today: Will the Newton be returning in some form? I'm a big fan of the later Newton models (the 120 with OS 2.0, the 130, and the 2X00 series), and I own a 100 with 110 the ROM and a 130. The handwriting recognition worked for me, but after the Palm came around, the were just a bit too big.

Man, Sinfest is one funny strip. Ninja Theater's back this week.

Stumbled across a nice article on the PowerBook 500 series at MacOpinion, which reminds me that I really need to spend some time updating the links on my PowerBook 500 page.


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