Finally Wireless

Ordered an AirPort base station and card last week, which finally arrived last Thursday. (Ok, I actually picked it up from the FedEx office in Skokie, a wired place to be after hours. It still amazes me that you can drop something off there, pay some money, and it'll be where you want it to be some time the next day.) Plugged the base station in, and the lights went through their little flashing dance and settled down to the default green pilot light. Installed the AirPort card in the iBook and....nothing. Rebooted, reinstalled, zapped the PRAM...nothing. To make a long story short: took it to the Apple Store at Woodfield on Monday and they diagnosed the card as defective and gave me a new one.

I can honestly say that wireless networking is so cool that, even over dialup, I'd have a problem going back to being tethered to the iMac or desk.


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