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Eudora 5.1.1 installed and worked fine, without any of the problems I've read about online.

Installed Palm Desktop 4 (which advised me that I menght need to restart). Tried to sync, no luck. Software Update in Classice said it needed to download something for the Palm USB/Serial Adapter widget, but couldn't find it. It was then I noticed that AirPort had gone from four bars down to two. Rebooted and all was well. Kinda of strange, but I'm used to these sorts of things.

Now all I need to find is a decent, Fetch-like FTP tool and the OS X version of Analog and I'll be updated. Oh, and Mozilla 1.0 (when it comes out).


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This page contains a single entry by jim published on May 31, 2002 2:19 PM.

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