The Great Tie Massacre of '03

Spent some time the other day cleaning out the bedroom closet, getting rid of old & seldom worn stuff (Rule: if you haven't worn it in a year or so and it has no sentimental value, out it goes). Finally got to the two tie racks. Since I wore a tie fewer that ten times last year, mostly for business meetings & funerals, it seemed time for a purge. I thnk I still had most every tie since I got my first job out of college, in the pre-casual office, required shirt-n-tie days. I've probably also bought an average of one tie a year over the last seven or eight years. I must have been up to nearly 50 ties.

Managed to get rid of more than half of them, all in good shape. Some had plain stripes, some weird early 90s patterns, some retro. No fish ties. Can't remember where any of the skinny leaether 80s ties went, if there are still any. This, of course, is the point where I should have taken a picture I could have uploaded of the pile of them that were going to off to the Salvation Army store on Clybourn. Alas.


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