MacWorld Bits

1. Mini iPod (or iPod Mini) is a little bit of a letdown. Aside from its size, it doesn't offer much that's different. Seems to me to be priced about $50 higher than I expected. For only $50 more, you can get the base iPod, which is now 15 GB to the Mini's 4 GB. Give people a 2 GB Mini for $100 or so and you've got something big. The Pepsi promo is interesting, though.

2. Garage Band looks like a nice toy. Appears the only way to get it is to buy it as part of iLife for $49. Same goes for new version of iPhoto. I recall they wanted to charge for these a year or so ago. They've finally gotten around to it. Rats

3 Apple's posted a revised version of their 1984 ad. The've given the hammer-thrower an iPod. Oh, the things you can do digitally these days.


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