To do in 2008

Things to do, small and large.

More cycling. Set some goals: Another metric century, MS150, a regular century perhaps.

More running. Same as cycling: Half marathon again? Consider getting that new Garmin 305 for cycling and running.

Use the camera you have. Found myself windowshopping a lot of sub-$300 ultrazoom cameras last month.

Take a look at what you need to rip to the iPod and what you should remove. Organize the CD collection.

More podcasting. It has been too long. Maybe once a month?

Add categories to MT for the site. Working on that now.

Read more books. Same as usual.

Drink some of that single malt that's been sitting around.

Subvert the dominant paradigm.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by jim published on January 2, 2008 3:27 PM.

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